
The one thing you can count on in life is unpredictability. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow, next week/month or year because life is fluid and ever-changing despite our efforts to try to control outcomes, predict scenarios and micromanage our schedules. There is nothing “wrong” with trying to manage our lives with calendars/appointments/“grinding it out”. It only becomes a problem when our peace is dictated by the outcomes of our attempts to control. We won’t attain much peace in our lives if we our operating under the sentiment “my way or the highway.” And many of us do approach our lives with this rigid way of thinking because we are human and hardwired for control. When something goes awry, negative thoughts and ineffective coping skills can emerge and send us into an  unhealthy mental head space if we are not prepared to meet challenges with an open, surrendered mentality.

These last few months have presented challenges that I never pictured interrupting my timeline of what’s next in my life.  I’ve been forced to relinquish control and practice acceptance, despite the pain and fear that I have been met with. And none of that has been easy but it has brought me to a new level of self-awareness that in some ways I’m strangely thankful for.

When we meet obstacles with an open heart, despite the painful feelings we experience, we allow ourselves the opportunity to deal with the emotions rather than pacifying ourselves with self-defeating strategies. As I continue to navigate this stressful time in my life, my hope is too continue to trust that surrendering to my experience and emotions will serve me much more peace rather than trying to grasp onto control and trying to manipulate the experience.


(Flowers are a perfect demonstration on this concept; they keep blooming no matter the weather and through their growth, they become beautiful.)

A Return


It has been almost 3 years to the day since I wrote my last blog post. A few short months later from that last post, I would be pregnant with my sweet baby and for lack of better words, my life changed so beautifully. Life became all about this precious, stressful, and enduring transition into a family of 3. My life is rich with sweet memories that I cling to of our baby changing and growing, while at the same time anticipating the next leap that unfolds more of his gentle and happy personality. I wouldn’t do it justice with a few adjectives thrown into a sentence or two so I’ll save that for another day. 😉

A challenge that will continue to present itself while being a mother is finding time for my own creativite outlet. I find myself wanting to express my thoughts and share my inspiration but feel social media isn’t the right platform. (More on that another day.) Which brings me to returning to this blog, originally started for reflection and sharing and an outlet I’m craving to indulge in. At least until baby number 2 decides to join us 😉






Your True SELF

your soul. your being. your essence.

the part of you that is beyond thinking. the part of you that is connected to the universe, or God, or spirit, whatever language speaks best to your heart.

the part of you that is love. love in its most unconditioned form. fear cannot survive here. neither can doubt or judgment or negativity.

powerful. honest. compassionate. no problems are found here.


sometimes it’s neglected. forgotten. placed in background. that’s ok. it’s always forgiving when found.

it forgives without hesitation, loves without boundaries.

the part that holds your connection to others.

your purpose if found here. without any awards, degrees, accomplishments. it’s much more decorated than that.

when honored, happiness and contentment arrive. calmness also joins.

your true SELF is infinite. start taking time to connect.



liveLOVE, Audrey




Feeling down, stressed, mad, angry, jealous, frustrated ect? Pretty common emotions that we ALL experience, probably more often than we would like to admit. When we experience these states of negative emotion, we are usually able to identify the cause.


That email she sent was rude, the way he said, “I’m fine” was distant, I have way too much on my plate, that lady gave me a snotty look, she didn’t say “thank you.” —> Take a moment to either identify with these situations or think of some of your own causes of negative emotion. Obviously, the causes I have chosen are more trivial for the purpose of this post AND I am owning that they are reactions I have had. So let’s go back to these causes that provoked my response.

1. An email

2. A reply to a question

3. A schedule

4. A women’s face

5. A salutation

This list does a fabulous job at mocking me. Here are five simple, everyday “things” that we all encounter, that I experienced in some negative way. How so?


I chose to let these things piss me off, bring me stress and make me mad. It wasn’t actually the email, the reply, the schedule, the face, or the salutation. I let my thoughts run through the field of negativity. Our thoughts (EGO) do a great job creating scenarios that don’t exist. We let these thoughts help us interpret not only our own actions, but others as well. Unless you can read minds, I don’t think anyone is capable of knowing the intent of someone without asking them directly. My thoughts dictated the way I percieved each of these scenarios. The scenarios didn’t cause my negativity; I DID.

The next time you notice your thoughts choosing negativity and bolting, take a second to think about what actually happened versus what your mind interpreted. Want more energy, happiness, positivity? Change your perspective.






Zucchini + Fig Smoothie

I can’t take credit for this unique combo, but I wish I would have found it sooner! Pinterest led me to this recipe, which I changed a bit and will share below!

Zucchini + Fig Smoothie (makes 1 large serving)

  • 8-10 oz almond milk
  • 1 large zucchini
  • 2 figs (I didn’t have fresh figs so I used Trader Joe’s frozen figs)
  • 1/2 serving of protein powder (I used Vega chocolate flavor)
  • 1/2 small banana
  • 1 tbsp flaxseed meal
  • Pinch of cinnamon

Blend and enjoy!

Hope that you found some time to relax and connect with loved ones and yourself this weekend!



Perfectly Right Now

My intention was to post 3 times a week. Piece of cake, right!?


Whoops! Life happened in between my last post and now, but I hope to get back into a routine with blogging! To be completely honest, the more time that past, the more guilt I felt about not writing. Which made me not want to write. Makes a whole lots sense, I know. I can be an all of nothing kind of gal. But I’m slowly learning/accepting that things don’t have to be perfect to be right. It’s ok if I don’t want to blog 3 times a week. It’s ok if I don’t make it to the gym everyday. It’s ok if I don’t eat 5 servings of veggies in a day. It’s ok if don’t get my haircut regularly. It’s ok if my silverware doesn’t match. Getting caught up in what I think I should be doing/possessing doesn’t let me enjoy the process of what I’m doing or have NOW. SO…cheers to letting go of the should’s and embracing everything thats perfectly right now.


You know what is so freaking awesome?


If you want to live a happier, more fulfilled and inspired life, quit looking for “IT” anywhere outside of yourself. The “search” for happiness isn’t actually a search. Searching implies that you will find something at the end. That there actually is an end.

Guess what? There is no arrival point.

We don’t become permanently happy when we get our dream body, our ideal job, our exquisite home, our perfect partner, our expensive jewelry. SO why do we place our happiness at the hands of these ends? Media, for one, has a HUGE influence on how we perceive happiness. We are inundated with ads that give us the subliminal message of happiness = Whatever they want you to buy. Second, our culture embraces MORE, MORE, MORE and equates success with money/power/things. Third, we our all so busy that stopping to “smell the roses” becomes an afterthought. 

If you want to be happy, consistently, take a deep breath and become aware. Feel a sense of relief that you don’t have to search, work harder or guess at what what will make you happy. Notice the clothes you are wearing, your body that moves you, the food you eat, the shelter over your head, the love that surrounds you. Spend time reflecting on all the wonderful things you have in your life RIGHT NOW. Raise your energy level by practicing gratefulness and see how you start to feel. I can promise that when you continue this practice, even the most sensible things will bring happiness. Start your morning and end your evening with a list/prayer/note/thought of all the things that you are grateful for that day. Watch the beauty of your life that you have had this whole time, transform your perception. 

liveLOVE, Audrey