
You know what is so freaking awesome?


If you want to live a happier, more fulfilled and inspired life, quit looking for “IT” anywhere outside of yourself. The “search” for happiness isn’t actually a search. Searching implies that you will find something at the end. That there actually is an end.

Guess what? There is no arrival point.

We don’t become permanently happy when we get our dream body, our ideal job, our exquisite home, our perfect partner, our expensive jewelry. SO why do we place our happiness at the hands of these ends? Media, for one, has a HUGE influence on how we perceive happiness. We are inundated with ads that give us the subliminal message of happiness = Whatever they want you to buy. Second, our culture embraces MORE, MORE, MORE and equates success with money/power/things. Third, we our all so busy that stopping to “smell the roses” becomes an afterthought. 

If you want to be happy, consistently, take a deep breath and become aware. Feel a sense of relief that you don’t have to search, work harder or guess at what what will make you happy. Notice the clothes you are wearing, your body that moves you, the food you eat, the shelter over your head, the love that surrounds you. Spend time reflecting on all the wonderful things you have in your life RIGHT NOW. Raise your energy level by practicing gratefulness and see how you start to feel. I can promise that when you continue this practice, even the most sensible things will bring happiness. Start your morning and end your evening with a list/prayer/note/thought of all the things that you are grateful for that day. Watch the beauty of your life that you have had this whole time, transform your perception. 

liveLOVE, Audrey 

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