
Feeling down, stressed, mad, angry, jealous, frustrated ect? Pretty common emotions that we ALL experience, probably more often than we would like to admit. When we experience these states of negative emotion, we are usually able to identify the cause.


That email she sent was rude, the way he said, “I’m fine” was distant, I have way too much on my plate, that lady gave me a snotty look, she didn’t say “thank you.” —> Take a moment to either identify with these situations or think of some of your own causes of negative emotion. Obviously, the causes I have chosen are more trivial for the purpose of this post AND I am owning that they are reactions I have had. So let’s go back to these causes that provoked my response.

1. An email

2. A reply to a question

3. A schedule

4. A women’s face

5. A salutation

This list does a fabulous job at mocking me. Here are five simple, everyday “things” that we all encounter, that I experienced in some negative way. How so?


I chose to let these things piss me off, bring me stress and make me mad. It wasn’t actually the email, the reply, the schedule, the face, or the salutation. I let my thoughts run through the field of negativity. Our thoughts (EGO) do a great job creating scenarios that don’t exist. We let these thoughts help us interpret not only our own actions, but others as well. Unless you can read minds, I don’t think anyone is capable of knowing the intent of someone without asking them directly. My thoughts dictated the way I percieved each of these scenarios. The scenarios didn’t cause my negativity; I DID.

The next time you notice your thoughts choosing negativity and bolting, take a second to think about what actually happened versus what your mind interpreted. Want more energy, happiness, positivity? Change your perspective.
